ucglib_xmega_hal  4.0
Xmega Hardware Abstraction Layer for Ucglib
extern consts


const ucg_pgm_uint8_t ucg_st7735_set_pos_dir0_seq []
 extern const from ucg_dev_ic_st7735.c for printing left->right
const ucg_pgm_uint8_t ucg_st7735_set_pos_dir1_seq []
 extern const from ucg_dev_ic_st7735.c for printing top->bottom
const ucg_pgm_uint8_t ucg_st7735_set_pos_dir2_seq []
 extern const from ucg_dev_ic_st7735.c for printing right->left
const ucg_pgm_uint8_t ucg_st7735_set_pos_dir3_seq []
 extern const from ucg_dev_ic_st7735.c for printing bottom->top

Detailed Description

about the improved bitmap rendering

The function ucg_BitmapPrint prints the bitmap pixel by pixel The ucg_DrawBmpLine, ucg_DrawBmp, ucg_DrawBmpRotate and the new function ucg_BitmapPrint prints the bitmap line by line. The idea of the improved bitmap rendering is borrowed from: https://p3dt.net/post/2018/12/27/esp8266-ili9846-improved.html The new functions should actually be added to devices files ucg_dev_ic_XXXX.c. In this case the functions for ST7735 are added to ucg_bmp.c. These functions need four constants, which are declared in ucg_dev_ic_st7735.c.